On Septembre 7, 2017, in stage 18 of "Vuelta a España", Chris Froome exceeded the allowed limit of Ventolín, equivalent to doping by sulbatamol, which was made public in december. Chris Froome suffers from asthma, so he needed to take Ventolín during the stage. Ventolín can be taken, but without exceed the limit of 1000 nanograms, considered already "adverse result" and not "therapeutic use" of the substance.
This is not the first time of these type of cases, previously, other cyclist like Miguel Indurain on 1994's Tour de L'Oise, Alex Zülle on 1993's "Vuelta al País Vasco", Igor González de Galdeano on 2002's Tour of France, Alessandro Petacchi On 2007's Turn of Italy...
Until now, no decision have been taken about the final resolution of this case, so Chris still has the Turn of 2017 on his palmarés, and he can continue racing. As yet Chris has to defend that he use the salbutamol only for medical reasons and there is no sanction in between, Chris can still keep racing. Giro's director, Mauro Vegni, published that he can't stop him, since he would be infringing his right to race.
In the case of Chris it's prohibed to race and finally the sentence shows that he take the sulbutamol only for medical reasons,
Cossa Nostra would have to pay a millionaire compensation.
Team Sky, team in which Chris competes, has said in its initial statement that “There is considerable evidence to show that there are significant and unpredictable variations in the way salbutamol is metabolised and excreted. As a result, the use of permissible dosages of salbutamol can sometimes result in elevated urinary concentrations, which require explanation. A wide range of factors can affect the concentrations, including the interaction of salbutamol with food or other medications, dehydration and the timing of salbutamol usage before the test.”
It's seems that no resolution has been taken in short time and Chris will could finish the Giro. Although there is still if these resolution is positive or negative to Chris, and know if he can continue to own the title of Vuelta a España or will be remove from his record.
Creo que todas las personas que amamos el deporte limpio pensamos que si da positivo deberia ser eliminado. No queremos gente que represente al deporte mundial con trampas.