Monday 7 May 2018

The story of Barry Bonds.

Resultado de imagen de barry bonds

Barry Bonds is a retired Major League Baseball (MLB), who played 22 seasons wirh the Pittsburgh Pirates and San Francisco Giants. He holds the record for most carrer home runs in 1 season at 73, and also has the most home runs batted for life with 762.  Bonds received seven NL MVP awards and 14 All-Star selections, and is considered as one of the greatest baseball players of all time.

The history start in 2003, two years later of hold the record of most carrer home runs in 1 season. It all started when the scandal of the BALCO laboratories was uncovered. This laboratory produced prohibited substances, supposedly undetectable, like THG, that were distribuyed among elite athletes.

Bonds's Trainer, Greg Anderson, was one of the first involved in the investigations and this forced Bonds to testify in a court. On that day of 2003, Bonds affirm with a sure voice that he had never used forbidden substances.

Bonds maybe thought he could move on with his career, but the was wrong. The investigators delved into the case and eight years later, Bonds returned to court charged with three counts, for used forbidden substances, for false statement and  for obstruction of justice.

Since the first moment, the prosecution tried to prove that Bonds had lied in his testimony before a grand jury in 2003, while the defense focused his strategy towards the ignorance by the player of the use of these substances. From this form, Bonds only would be acussed of using steroids, but not for lie in his statement, because he didn't know that the pills and injections he received from his coach were forbidden.

The trial against Bonds has had enormous media coverage; however, there hasn`t been a pronouncement from the Office of the Major League Basevall Commissioner about the validity of the Bonds figures. Specialist propose to eliminate Bonds of the list of recordistas until placing an asterisk next to its name.

Finally, Bonds retired after the 2007 campaign because no one Major Team was willing to include him in his roster.

Now, here we can see a MLB video of the Home Run number 756 of Barry Bonds, breaking Aron's records.

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