Friday 20 April 2018

Doping in Andalusians gyms

10 people were arrested (4 of them, younger than 18), 41 more investigated, and 1.336 dose of medicines intervened. This is the ‘Zute’ operation, by the Spanish ‘Guardia Civil’, in Granada, Spain. That network used to get the medicines to dope people who go to the gymnasium in this city and others like Málaga or Jaen.

First, they paid until 400€ to farmacist to get every recipe. Then, they sold them in the different gyms of the nearest provinces. Some of the medicines were Testex prolongatum, Proviron, Winstrol, Femara, Decadurabolin, Arimidex, Gonal and Trakimazin.

The ‘Guardia Civil’ have told that this network has used more than 400 recipes to provide the medicines. They acted from 2015 to 2017, when they were discovered. This medicines, for example, are used by menopausal women, and they costed to the pharmacies a total of 5.800€. This is an example of the increasing of illegal substances in people that do not compete, they only practice sports to improve their health. A new horizon for the doping.

What do you think about this topic? Do you consider it more dangerous than the doping in professionals athletes?

Thanks for reading us,
Sergio Torreblanca.


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